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Monday Musings and Motivations — Energy — Part Forty-Three

There are times when our energy is low, others times, it’s soaring.  There seems to be a lack of it (energy) going round in the blogosphere lately.  At least, that’s what I’ve been reading in the circles I blog around in and you’ve been hearing it from me for a while too.  Sorry about that.

I like to be around this kind of energy. Whee!

I like to be around this kind of energy. Whee!

As always what goes down must come back up.  It always does, sometimes it takes longer than others.  Sometimes it’s because of external things, situations, life changes.  That’s normal through tough times, if you didn’t feel low on energy, well that’d be strange.

Other times it’s the company you keep.  Have you ever noticed how you can be around someone and you feel energized, happy, hopeful?  Then you can be around someone and feel the complete opposite — drained, sad, angry.  As one gets older and wiser, one learns to become very attuned to that and honor it.  You learn that you must guard your precious energy because when it’s depleted, all kinds of malaise ensues — mentally, emotionally and physically.   It’s all connected, yo.  (I’ve been watching Breaking Bad episodes lately — hence the “yo.”)

You get away from those people or places that rob your life energy.  That’s all we are, really — energy.  Souls of energy.  And as far as I’m concerned, I might as well be around those that feed the good stuff.  Life’s way too short to be around the other kind.

Sometimes you have to leave home to get some — good energy.

Waiting for a Train….

Yo-ho and a bottle of rum.  And a mop.  This was lying on the platform of the train station.  I think it looks quite artsy, don't you? I'm calling in Rum on a Mop.

Yo-ho and a bottle of rum. And a mop. This was lying on the platform of the train station. I think it looks quite artsy, don’t you? I’m calling it Rum on a Mop.

Before getting on the train.  You need a hazmat suit to go into the train station bathrooms but they will remind you, with concern, to MIND THE GAP.

Before getting on the train. You need a hazmat suit to go into the train station bathrooms but they will remind you, with concern, to WATCH THE GAP.

Who Knew the Good Stuff Would be in Queens?

Yesterday, I had a good energy day.  My writerly friend and I met in Queens.  We met at Cafe Marlene in Sunnyside for the Queens Writes Weekend.  This tiny little cafe had a wonderful ambiance, a sliver of a building with tiny, round decoupaged tables inside and an elaborate bar with a lots of good, friendly energy running the place.

A nice guy with green shorts and hair to match and a dark-haired lady with a lovely accent served us cappuccino (me) and chamomile tea (Carly).  By the way, Carly just started a blog.  Go visit her — she’s funny, cool and just a great person (and writer).

We go downstairs for the writing thing and it was in this dark room that looked as if Bob Dylan or some poet would be there singing or reciting poetry.  More tiny round tables, vinyl, leopard print chairs and square ottomans scattered here and there.  The crowd was wonderful, friendly open.  Very good energy.  We were given prompts and had some silent time to write.  That’s what we did.  Some got up and read their writing.  I didn’t but the whole time I was wishing I had.

Maybe next time.

Good writerly energy at Cafe Marlene

Good writerly energy at Cafe Marlene

More writers and good energy.  Check out that wallpaper.

More writers and good energy. Check out that wallpaper.

Pass It Around

The whole point of my post today complete with pictures is to entertain you on this beautiful Monday morning and send you some good energy.  When you get your energy back, you realize just how precious it is and how much you missed it.

Manhattan, thatta way.  Waiting at the train station in Queens...

Manhattan, thatta way. Waiting at the train station in Queens…

Waiting for a train.  Home...this way.

Waiting for a train. Home…this way.

How good it feels, well to just feel kind of good again.  I did yesterday and as I rode the train home, I was thinking about the past year — the trying times, the days I had no energy and the days that I didn’t think I ever would again.

On the train, almost home.

On the train, almost home.

Then you get around some good, groovy inspiring energy with a friend and a sunny day in a new place and that friend says to you before you leave her, “It’s good to see you smile again.”

Happy Monday everyone and I hope your week is starting out with some good, constructive energy.  Here’s to feeling good and enjoy some fine tunage. http://s0.wp.com/i/support/content-unavailable.png

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About Brigitte



66 thoughts on “Monday Musings and Motivations — Energy — Part Forty-Three

  1. Holy canoli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Aside from the fact that I loved this post about “energy zappers” (took me finally reaching middle age to figure this out and made me significantly back off many relationships despite the fact that my older and much wiser hubby has been advising me of this for years) I was totally blown away by where you are located!!!! Grew up in Woodside and lived as a young adult in Kew Gardens until I met hubby and moved upstate…
    You have my permission to e-mail me directly if you ever want to chat…there is probably much more that we share aside from our fabulous French name (and although I always wanted to be the Bardot type I am so far from it!)

    Posted by brie | April 15, 2013, 10:42 am
    • Brie it is such a small world! What are the odds, really?! Two Brigitte’s have crossed the same paths. And yes, I know what you mean about energy zappers. It takes a while to learn this and when we do, we wonder why it took us so long. I always wanted to be the Bardot type but I’m too short. I am blonde though. ;). SO nice to see you here — thank you!!

      Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 11:08 am
      • ha! ha! I am quite petite myself (5’1″ and 93 lbs)…needless to say Bardot I am not!
        Looking forward to more posts about my old haunts…..for sure I will be back!

        Posted by brie | April 15, 2013, 11:11 am
  2. LOVE IT, Brigitte!!! Sometimes I’m a clearer energy conductor than others, and when my channels are gummed up (as they seem to have been for a while), my connections feel spotty and weak. Nothing like pooling and sharing energy to get those channels cleared! xoxoM

    Posted by Margarita | April 15, 2013, 10:43 am
    • Morning M. why thank you! I know exactly what you mean. Maybe it’s something in the air and things are getting cleared now. But like anything else, you have to honor it and know that things will be clearer, well when they’re ready to show themselves, right? Be well and I hope you have a wonderful clutter-free, clear-channeled, good energy day, my friend.

      Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 11:11 am
  3. Great post, Brigitte, as always. Hanging out in the company of creatives is a great way to get the energy moving. I’m so glad you’re smiling again…

    Posted by Cathy Ulrich | April 15, 2013, 11:04 am
  4. Great to hear you’ve got your mojo back, Brigitte! Sounds like a wonderful writing thang you attended. Wish I could find something that simple and beneficial around here. I’m keeping my eyes open! Happy Monday to you, too. 🙂

    Posted by Swimming In The Mud | April 15, 2013, 11:19 am
    • Hi Sue, it’s getting back slowly but surely I think. It was fun and cool as all new things are. I find that creative people are always inviting and open, you know? Accepting. I need to start something here on the Island of Long!! Nice to see you here, Sue.

      Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 12:08 pm
      • Somehow I’m reminded when I lived on the Island that I, and many others I knew, never visited some of the major New York attractions–like the Statue of Liberty, for me–an it was right in our backyards. Wonders exist wherever we are… it’s up to us to seek them out. Happy adventuring, Brigitte. As a bit of a newbie still in the area, I hope you maintain that wanderlust and enjoy the wondrous secrets of Long Island and New York.

        Happy trails,

        Posted by Swimming In The Mud | April 15, 2013, 2:48 pm
      • Hi Sue, yeah I bet you do. We’re all guilty of that — why is that? It’s because we all say, someday, someday…but where you are is plenty of sunshine, yes? And I agree with you, it is up to us. I told hubby I loved my trip yesterday. Just going to a new neighborhood, seeing people out, families — everyone out enjoying the sunshine is refreshing and inspiring. I hope so too. I don’t always — this winter nearly wiped me out! But Spring is here and as you know, up this a way early summers are just about perfect, weather-wise. Hope you are good, my friend.

        Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 5:59 pm
  5. I find being around other writers really energizes me — makes me want to start writing more nonfiction (which is really not my forte–yet). Glad you are feeling more energized–helps up mine. Thanks for entertaining us!

    Posted by on thehomefrontandbeyond | April 15, 2013, 11:26 am
    • It does, Lou Ann! I should have shared my writing but I didn’t. Maybe all of us should do that here. We could each showcase our stories — once a week. Hmmm. Thank you for entertaining ME. 🙂

      Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 12:13 pm
  6. Sounds like an awesome day and writer’s event! Glad to hear you were smiling again as well.

    Posted by dianasschwenk | April 15, 2013, 11:32 am
  7. What a cool way to spend your writing with other writers. I think that would be very motivation, and as you say, good energy. Thanks for the positive energ you’re sending our way, Brigitte.

    Posted by The Bumble Files | April 15, 2013, 11:42 am
  8. Loving your post:) Here’s to Creative Energy – Happy Week!!!

    Posted by cravesadventure | April 15, 2013, 11:55 am
  9. “You get away from those people or places that rob your life energy”—This is so important, and the earlier one learns it the better. Obviously, sometimes this isn’t always possible. Toxic energy may be in our midst due to professional or family obligations. But the sooner we can get away from it and enter the realm of those with a more positive energy, our own heaviness can melt away. Glad you had a chance to experience an energy reboot!

    Posted by Carrie Rubin | April 15, 2013, 11:59 am
    • It takes a while to learn that but when you do you realize just how important it is. And yes, it is difficult when you’re in a workplace environment and there are those who have a toxic energy about them, for whatever reason, but I guess just trying to guard against it is the best option. I think it’s a mind thing when you’re faced with that scenario. Thanks, Carrie…it was, as you say, a nice reboot. ;).

      Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 12:16 pm
  10. Good morning Brigitte,
    I’m so happy you found some much needed smiles! I’ve been feeling much the same way- as you know- and I’m so ready to have the energy of that adorable flying sheep return.

    The brightest candles may shine the most light, but they also feel the most darkness when it’s time to recharge. None of us can burn brightly all of the time.

    Here’s a happy song for *you* — I bet you can’t listen to it without smiling. “Holey moley, me oh my!” Have a wonderful week B, I hope you read your piece at your next writers’ group! Live life with no regrets… ~ Christy

    Posted by runningonsober | April 15, 2013, 12:09 pm
    • Hi Christy, I so hope you’ll be skipping soon and what a beautiful quote. Thank you!! And thanks for that song, it IS a happy one! I am smiling. You have yourself a wonderful week and I’ve got to do that more. What’s the worst that can happen? Right? Yes, live life with no regrets. xo

      Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 12:20 pm
      • Or change that up and ask yourself, “what’s the *best* that can happen?” The pay-off is usually far better than any possible risk… go for it! xo

        Posted by runningonsober | April 15, 2013, 12:28 pm
      • Christy, you’re great. Thank you. 😉

        Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 12:46 pm
  11. I’m so glad you and Mr. Brown “feel good” again. It’s so funny that you mention valuing the people and things that lift your spirits and energy. I’ve been doing some emotional spring cleaning (I’m going to blog about on Fri.); making room for people who encourage, inspire, appreciate, and reciprocate. People like you, Brigitte.

    Posted by notedinnashville | April 15, 2013, 1:19 pm
    • Ha! Thanks, Anita. That emotional spring cleaning is a must, isn’t it? I’ve always tried to practice that — you gotta let go of some things/people/whatever the case that doesn’t inspire or make you feel good in order to let those things that will come in. I look forward to your post! And thank you for saying that — it’s so very nice of you and I can say the same about you!

      Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 5:51 pm
  12. I excel at keeping a distance from energy zappers, Brig. Two of my close younger buds are energy zapper magnets. I’m forever telling them to run the other way. Those Debbie Downer types are a waste of space. My problem is that I’m spread too thin so I stay up way too late trying to get more done during the work-week, but then I get wiped out. I don’t like to kvetch about it. I just have to budget my time better. I’m glad you’ve been around creative types. I think that’s a good way to rekindle one’s own creativity. When I feel creatively inspired that’s when my energy sky rockets. Hey, I scored comp (i.e., free) tickets this weekend to a very cool Broadway show you might want to catch, “The Testament of Mary”. Basically, it’s the untold story of Christ from his mother’s point of view. Wow. It’s a one woman show starring Fiona Shaw that’s playing at the Walter Kerr. The theater was packed — and it’s still in previews so word is out that this is incredible theater. It will make your head spin and the last line was absolute perfect punctuation about the world in 2013.

    Posted by lameadventures | April 15, 2013, 1:53 pm
    • That doesn’t surprise me about you, V. And I bet you absorb a lot whether you want to or not. Creative, deep thinkers like you usually do. You can kvetch whenever you want. Friends accept friends for who they are. Of course we can’t be all sunshine all the time, but we have to try and look for the good, the positive because there usually is something, right? I’m so jealous of your scoring those tickets! I heard about this play and it sounds so interesting. Hubby and I have some time soon and we want to go see a play. I hope you’ll let us know (all of us who read you regularly) about it. Are you going to write about it? Now you’ve got my interest piqued! Thanks, V.

      Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 5:55 pm
  13. I try to avoid the energy zappers as much as possible. I can’t always do it, but I sure try. I tend to pick up the moods of others around me too easily. That can be okay when the mood is good. But when it’s not? Oh, boy. Run away. Run away.

    I’m so glad to hear you’re getting back your energy and mojo! As Spring settles in, I think we’ll see more of us coming out of our winter funks. And we’ll all feel better for it.

    Posted by jmmcdowell | April 15, 2013, 2:04 pm
    • Me and you both, JM. (picking up and absorbing those moods). I’m trying and it so helps when people like you stop by, comment and encourage. This blogging community is wonderful and I agree with you, Spring is bringing out the best in all of us, huh? Thank you, JM.

      Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 5:57 pm
  14. Yes, yes, yes! This is so important! I am very aware of energy in my own life, not only of the kind of energy people bring into my life, but also of the kinds of activities and spaces that energize or drain me. I ended my last relationship in large part because I found he drained the calm, positive energy in me. Thanks, not only for writing about this, but also for sending a jolt of bright, sunshiny energy my way today!

    Posted by Deliberately Delicious | April 15, 2013, 3:02 pm
    • Sally — you are SO right. I read about your wonderful adventures when you post and the beautiful places you go. Many women get into that scenario — did that last relationship have similarities with the one that didn’t work out? Or the one before? And you’re very welcome, I always feel better after reading about your adventures too — you spread that positive energy yourself. 😉

      Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 6:01 pm
  15. Soaking up your goodness Brigitte. Thanks for sharing the sunshine 🙂

    Posted by unfetteredbs | April 15, 2013, 4:12 pm
  16. Will be putting Monday to bed in the next couple of hours – good vibes for rest of week.

    Posted by C.J. Black | April 15, 2013, 4:14 pm
  17. It’s spooky how alike we are. My post yesterday is like your post today. I feel the same way about energy, protecting it, and looking for people who are positive. I get zapped by most of the people around me, but I feel like blogging helps me fill my cup back up. Hopefullythe weather gets its act together and starts to do its thang. I need some light desperately. Love the mop and rum bottle, yo!

    Posted by A Gripping Life | April 15, 2013, 5:44 pm
    • Homeslice girlfriend, yo. Don’t I know it?? It takes more work to be positive. Anyone can be negative and it takes no effort. But like anything else, anything worth having takes practice and patience. Pretty soon, you don’t have to make an “effort.” You find yourself just being happy to be and to feel good. I know you need some light, Lisa — I so hope you get some soon! Love, prayers and good vibes your way. (And yes, I’m thinking of putting that on canvas and trying to peddle it to some museum…if a piece of string/rope can be considered art, my Rum on a Mop can). Hahaha!

      Posted by Brigitte | April 15, 2013, 6:06 pm
  18. LOL, I had to laugh when I read your line about leaving home to get energy as I sit in a coffee shop writing because I didn’t want to stay cooped up in a hotel. As Ghandi said, be the change you want to see in the world. You Brigitte are that by the good energy that your blog gives out.

    Posted by Phil Taylor | April 15, 2013, 6:50 pm
  19. It recently occurred to me that one of my oldest friends is a big-time energy zapper for me. I feel completely exhausted and pessimistic after spending time around her, and while it makes me sad to finally notice this, I’m grateful that I can take the steps to “prepare” myself for our dynamic before I see her next time! Haha

    My sails are getting filled again as the weather warms up. We’re planning a possible visit to the Big Apple this summer with Wee Cee. So much to look forward to!

    Posted by The Waiting | April 15, 2013, 7:42 pm
    • I know what you mean, Em. I’ve had friends like that too. There’s always something wrong! It is exhausting but you love them anyway. I hope you treated yourself afterwards at least. It sounds as if everyone’s sails are getting filled again. Coming to NYC, huh? I swear all of us need to have a meet up or something. Come early summer, it can get pretty freaking hot in the city in the middle of summer! Thank you! 🙂

      Posted by Brigitte | April 16, 2013, 8:40 am
  20. Love this post, Brigitte! And love you, too! I had such a nice time showing you my little corner of the city. Isn’t Queens amazing? Sunny days ahead, my friend. 🙂

    Posted by Carly | April 15, 2013, 8:04 pm
    • Carly, I love you back, dear friend. I had such a great time and yes, your neighborhood is nice and cool. I can understand why you live there. Thanks so much — we need to do this again. Soon.

      Posted by Brigitte | April 16, 2013, 8:41 am
  21. Love the whole energy of this post, Brigitte. You’re quite right in saying that a lot of us have been feeling the schlump lately but like you, I’m turning over a new leaf and getting my mojo back. I woke up yesterday (my Monday’s already over) to a brilliantly shining sun and for the first time in a long time, felt happy that it was Monday and the start of a new week. I definitely didn’t know how blah I was feeling until now, but it definitely does give me some perspective. Have a fantastic week and here’s to hoping the sunny weather holds up! 🙂

    Posted by lillianccc | April 15, 2013, 10:22 pm
    • Hi Lillian, thank you! I guess it’s the cold and the dark and the long days plus just well, life’s peaks and valleys, you know? I feel mine coming back as well. I’m so glad you’re feeling happy again. You have a great week as well, Lillian and thanks so much.

      Posted by Brigitte | April 16, 2013, 8:42 am
  22. Gosh, I was just pondering the same thing today. i went out for a picnic yesterday in the park with some local friends – perhaps not people I would have chosen to be friends, but friends because they live close by and have children the same age, you know? When I got home, I was so exhausted I had to lie down, like the energy had been sucked from me by a leech. Oh, it was awful, and it’s not the first time it’s happened either. Sigh. Truly, the average person is hard to be around, you know? protect, protect, protect. Oh yes, and hang out with people who are like-minded. Thank you for your lovely cheery post xxx

    Posted by sara | April 16, 2013, 1:29 am
    • Hi Sara, it seems as if many can relate to this! Sometimes we are cajoled into situations of being friends with people for the simple fact that you live close by or like you, have children. I don’t know what the answer is because we need social contact. I’m just to the point where the people I surround myself with need to be ones that get me, for me. I don’t want to have to become someone in order to be accepted. A person is lucky if they can count on one hand the good friends they have, you know? And yes, I do know what you mean about the “protect, protect, protect” and sometimes it’s “Look what I’ve done/have/whatever. Geez. Thank you for your insightful comment! xo

      Posted by Brigitte | April 16, 2013, 8:45 am
  23. Oh yes, she’s backkkkkkkkkkkkk… I’m gonna say the “rum on a mop” was the precursor to you getting back in the swing of things.. Nice to hear you are feeling on the upswing again.. Absolutely we must surround our selves with positive energy in order to be re-charged.. Love that cafe !!

    Posted by free penny press | April 16, 2013, 6:44 am
    • Hi Lynne, I take each day as it comes — seriously that’s all any of us can do, right? So you liked my Rum on a Mop? I knew you would — being such a fantastic photobug — you’d understand the complexity, the depth, the meaning…do I sound like I know what I’m talking about? Nice to hear from you period! And thank you — this wonderful blogging community is a positive thing to behold. xo

      Posted by Brigitte | April 16, 2013, 8:47 am
  24. Brigitte, This is the perfect post for a Monday – Tax Day no less. And you expressed it so beautifully. I found myself smiling through your entire post. Thanks! All the best, Terri

    Posted by gallivance.net | April 19, 2013, 4:01 pm
  25. What a cool activity! Looked like a lot of fun. I really liked Rum on a Mop. So beautiful 😉

    Posted by Lily | April 21, 2013, 3:22 pm
  26. I love the Cafe in Queens. Makes me wish I traveled.

    Posted by reptilesintheicecream | April 24, 2013, 12:14 pm


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Words of the Day


exclamation: sheesh
  1. used to express disbelief or exasperation.
    “Sheesh! Why can’t you talk to me, you know, like normally?”
1950s: probably an alteration of jeez.